Proprietary intellectual property rights to the commercial name “IGAR”, namely: the right to use the commercial name, the right to prevent other persons from misusing the commercial name, including prohibiting such use, belong to the Limited Liability Company “IGAR” from the date of state registration of the legal entity – November 16, 1992.
Proprietary Intellectual Property Rights to the IGAR Trademark, including the image of the trademark for goods and services, the corresponding verbal designation to it, namely: the right to use the trademark, the exclusive right to authorize the use of the trademark, the exclusive right to prevent the misuse of the trademark , including the prohibition of such use, belong to the Limited Liability Company “IGAR”, certified by the Certificate for goods and services mark No. 12938 of July 19, 1999.
Any encroachment on the rights of the holder of the certificate, including committing without the consent of the holder of the certificate the actions requiring his consent, and preparation for committing such actions in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Rights to Marks for Goods and Services” shall be considered a violation of the owner’s rights Certificate that entails responsibility under the current legislation of Ukraine.
Commitment by a legal entity irrespective of the organizational and legal form and ownership or an individual engaged in the production, sale and purchase of goods related to the misuse of a business entity’s business reputation, namely: business name and trademark ( mark for goods and services) without the permission (consent) of an entity that has previously started using them or similar designations in an economic activity, which may or may have confused with the action This entity is unfair competition and in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Protection against Unfair Competition” entails a fine of up to five percent of the income (revenue) from the sale of goods (goods, works, services) sub ‘ of the business act for the last financial year preceding the year in which the penalty is imposed.